Braselton Lesson of the Month—Self Discipline

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Legacy MMA is more than just a karate school or a place for you to go to for a kickboxing class. We support our parents as much as we can by coming alongside you to teach important life lessons. For Legacy MMA Braselton, that means that every month will have a theme. For the next month, Sensei George will focus on Self Discipline.

By now, your children have been in school of some kind for a couple of weeks. Some of you are in-person and others are doing digital learning. No matter how your child is going to school, we all are experiencing a test of self-discipline.

Self Discipline and Digital Learning 

Digital learning is perhaps the biggest test of self-discipline we’re experiencing at the moment. Children at all grade levels are being asked to sit in front of a laptop or digital device and complete tasks they would have otherwise had in person with the help of a teacher. While older students in middle school and high school are able to do this easier, younger students, especially those in K-5 may have a harder time. They need to be active and moving. They have short attention spans and the school day is structured to meet the age-appropriate brain functions of these children. Preaching to the choir—we know.

We’re going to do our part by teaching self-discipline. We get hands-on with our digital learning camp. It’s easier for us to teach self-discipline in the moment when students are with us. For those taking advantage of digital learning in Braselton, Sensei George helps students refocus and enforces self-discipline right when students start to lose focus.

Self-Discipline and Karate

Children’s karate (what would be our normal after school karate program) is the physical expression of self-discipline. We teach Kenpo karate which is different than other forms of martial arts. The difference is that we teach self-defense, but in that, our students are made aware of their power and presence. We teach them to control their form. That takes practice. Many of our students practice outside of class during their free time because they want to get better. There is this unexplainable effect Kenpo karate has on students. It naturally draws them and while they are going through forms, the self-discipline switch gets turned on.

\Sensei George reinforces self-discipline. He won’t tolerate anything but the best out of his students because he sees value in each student. Self-discipline isn’t just for class. He finds every opportunity to teach it in between classes.

As we go through this season and Braselton parents are noticing areas where children need help with self-discipline, one of the best ways to do that is to communicate with Sensei George. Email him or talk to him in-person about your concerns and he’ll make sure to work with your child. Just like Kenpo karate transformed him, he knows it will transform your children.