A Summer Camp Legacy

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A Summer Camp Legacy

#ItsaLEGACYmmaSummer has been that ray of sunshine we all so desperately needed. For us, it speaks to our name. The word “legacy” means to leave something learned for others. Summer 2020 is leaving a legacy. We learned are resilient and fierce. A pandemic can’t keep us from having fun. We learned to be more careful and sanitize more often. Our campers were made more aware good hygiene and how critical it is to wash our hands. And let’s face it, this is a lesson that we can remind them of all year. We learned to be content with the present and that worrying about tomorrow doesn’t make tomorrow any easier.

So here we are. We’ve made it to the last week and half of Summer break. We’ve so loved getting to know your kiddos. We sincerely love them all and are so thankful you have given us the privilege of loving on them this summer. Here’s what we have planned for rest of the Summer.

Monday, August 3, 2020—Stars and Strikes

Tuesday, August 4, 2020—Sparkles Family Fun Center

Wednesday, August 5, 2020—Surprise

Thursday, August 6, 2020—Skate Country

Friday, August 7, 2020—Water Day

Monday, August 10, 2020—Stars and Strikes

Tuesday, August 11, 2020—Sparkles Family Fun Center

You’ve got options for digital learning and after school!

We know that the strain of being forced to go the digital learning route can be for some of our parents. That’s why we’re opening all three of our facilities (North Gwinnett, Buford, and Braselton) for digital learning. For $149/week isn’t a bad deal.

  • Drop off as early as 6:30 am and pickup as late as 6:30 pm.

  • Kids participate in digital learning with their classes. Just bring digital devices, chargers, and headphones.

  • Karate included. Kids even get a free uniform.

  • Recess and playtime will allow kids to burn off energy and socialize with friends.

Lunch is not provided so please make sure to pack a lunch and snacks along with plenty of water.

After School Karate

For those who are doing digital learning at home, you have the option to bring your kiddo to one of our locations once class is over to participate in our after school karate program. For those going to school for in-person instruction, we’ll pick up your student and bring them back to our location. For $70/week, you get after school care plus karate. For parents doing the digital learning route, you get a break and your kids get to socialize and burn off energy while continuing their karate training.  

We are also offering karate classes by themselves. For $129/month, you have the option of in-person or zoom.  You will come to class at the designated time each belt level. To register, call 78-541-5254.

While Summer ends, we start fresh with another school year. We know that students will thrive in school and on the mat.









Summer Shield

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Summer Shield

We do our best as parents to shield our kids from the really hard stuff. We may not allow them to be present when we watch the news or block websites that would expose them to things that might rob them of their innocence. It’s a given that childhood is such a precious time. We started this summer with the unknown and despite it all, Legacy MMA has done everything we can to ensure that summer remained fun and carefree. While we implemented precautions to handle our season with COVID-19 and our campers were aware, we wanted to make sure that COVID didn’t overshadow summer. COVID wasn’t the focus; it was an afterthought.

This is the last week of summer break for some of our campers so we’re going to do things that provide a sense of normalcy before they embark on yet another unknown. Our field trips are familiar this week. We don’t want to add any surprises to minimize stress kids feel whether they show it or not.

Here’s what’s on deck for this week.

July 27, 2020—Stars and Strikes

Has your camper asked to go bowling yet? Kids are loving the arcade games, but we’re seeing them eye activities they can’t do while we’re there. 

July 28, 2020—Billy Beez

This was a new addition to our field trip lineup this year, and our campers have loved it.

July 29, 2020—Nitro Zone

One of the positive things about COVID has been all our new field trips. As our normal vendors closed their doors, others like Nitro Zone opened their doors. We’re thankful!

July 30, 2020—Skate Country

We love Skate Country so much for always welcoming us and our campers.  It’s a great place for kids to be kids.

July 31, 2020—Field Day

Today will be fun. Make sure campers wear sneakers. They will need them for all the running around they’ll do. 

Some of campers will have an additional two weeks of summer camp. We’re working on that field trip schedule to accommodate those campers.

Digital Learning Camp

Some of our campers will be starting the school year doing digital learning. We know that puts a lot of stress on some of our families. To make that easier for you as parents and fan easier transition for our current campers, we’re offering digital learning camp.

For $149/ week, students will complete schoolwork on their devices and fully participate in digital learning.  Once the day is over, they get to participate in our after school karate program.  Students need to bring their digital devices with chargers and headphones as well as snacks, a bottle of water, and snacks.  We have limited space so make sure to register.

 After School Karate

For those who opt for in-school instruction, we’re continuing our after school karate program. We will pick up your student and provide a karate uniform. We have daily karate classes. You get all that for $70/week. When you compare daycare prices to ours and all that we provide, our parents tell us it’s no brainer. You get karate included. 

But make no mistake. We’re not a daycare. We’re an MMA academy that offers a daily program for students after school. Our students take our karate program seriously. Our program isn’t like other karate programs in our area. Belt testing is earned not just with knowing the curriculum. We take a whole-child approach. Our students need to be doing well at home and school to earn the opportunity to test. Register to save your child’s spot.

#ItsaLegacySummer Provides Joy

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#ItsaLegacySummer Provides Joy

Summer is passing us by, and your children will either be in front of a digital device doing digital learning <link to digital learning blog> or at school starting the 2020-2021 school year.  We crafted this summer to help our campers play and just be kids. They have their entire lives to be serious. We wanted to provide them a summer of joy, where they could just be kids. One of the ways we do that is to create fun atmospheres through play. This play has many mental health benefits including reducing childhood depression and fostering collaboration and creativity. Here’s how we’re going to do that this week.

Monday, July 20, 2020 Stars and Strikes

Play at Stars and Strikes is the kind of play most of our boys love. Arcade games galore! The most important decision your child will have to make is which arcade game to play first.

Tuesday, July 21, 2020 Sparkles Family Fun Center

Our campers play, play some more, play again, and keep playing until their little legs can’t take running around anymore! It’s hard to choose what to play first. The indoor playground is so much fun. The younger kids love to run wild. There is laser tag and skating. The choices can be daunting because there are so many options to play.

Wednesday, July 22, 2020 Nitro Zone

Free play is encouraged at Nitro Zone. Campers can jump around the trampoline park or brave the obstacle course. Plus there is indoor go-karting, bowling, and an arcade.

 Thursday, July 23, 2020 Skate Country

Kids play in two ways while we’re at Skate Country. They love skating and we love the physical activity they get. But they also enjoy the arcade. Kids really love playing arcade games.

Friday, July 24, 2020 Water Day

We’re playing on water slides today! Make sure to send an extra change of clothes and a towel.

We’ll continue to promote play until kids start school. If you haven’t already, make sure to register for our after school karate program. We’re here to support our parents and students this school year.  

Providing Comfort During Uncertain Times through #ItsALegacyMMASummer

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Providing Comfort During Uncertain Times through #ItsALegacyMMASummer

There is comfort in knowing. Let’s face it, mom and dad. 2020 has thrown us some curves and while we have the experience to navigate those tough moments, this is all brand new for our children. This week, our campers will take comfort in what they know. They know fun. They know they’re safe. They know the field trips. While we may have a surprise this week, it will be surrounded by what they know so they’re comfortable.

Monday, July 13, 2020- Stars and Strikes

Mondays have been all about Stars and Strikes. Campers love video games and comfort today brings because it’s guaranteed fun!

Tuesday, July 14, 2020—Sparkles Family Fun Center

We’ve added a new local spot for our campers to have fun. Sparkles Family Fun Center in Lawrenceville is perfect for campers (and families) of all ages. There is an indoor playground for younger kids along with skating and laser tag for older kids.

Wednesday, July 15, 2020 Billy Beez

Pro-tip for today, mom and dad—send your campers wearing their Billy Beez socks. It means they won’t have to wait around to get their socks. AKA—they’ll get more time to play.


Thursday, July 16, 2020 Skate Country

Campers love skating, of course! But some of our campers (especially our boys) love playing arcade games too! A few extra bucks adds to the fun of today. No matter what they decide to do, we’re just glad they’re having fun!

 Friday, July 17, 2020 Water Day!

Send those towels and an extra change of clothes! Your children will be getting really wet. With all this heat we’re experiencing, it’s much needed!

After School Karate Helps Kids Process Change

We are very aware of the trauma sudden change an bring to children. We have all experienced COVID-19 and children, while resilient, have a different way of processing what is happening. Our way of life is changing and for them too. We know that sudden change could be on the horizon as we send children back to school in August. Legacy MMA wants to reassure you that your children have a safe place to process trauma. Whether your children talk about it or not, their bodies are impacted by this at a cellular level. One of the ways we’re doing our part is by continuing to offer after school karate at all of our locations.

Our after school karate program teaches mindfulness, self-control, and strength. Mindfulness gives students a moment to pause and be in the moment and feel what they’re feeling. Then they get to release any energy or negativity with karate through punches and kicks. They learn self-control with their movements through our curriculum. Students also learn about their own strengths and build upon them. We love seeing students realize that strength and improve. 

Summer campers get free 2020-21 registration. Rates are still the same-- $65/week which includes pickup at school, uniform, and daily classes.

Bouncing into July!

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Bouncing into July!

Goodbye June! It’s been fun! Hello July! We’re glad to see ya! We all say, but time does fly by! Our Legacy MMA Summer campers had tons of fun in June despite limitations thanks to COVID-19. We were able to introduce a new favorite to our campers this past June. Biblly Beez was so gracious to allow our campers to have a few hours of fun. They loved it so much, we’ve added it back to our schedule this week.

If you ever attended one of our after school karate classes prior to COVID, you might have noticed that we ask our students to bounce. The act of bouncing before kicking or punching keeps students limber and ready to react. “Keeping them on their toes” is beneficial and improves speed and intensity. Our trips this week focus on bouncing and reaction speed. Yes, your campers will have fun, but at the same time, when we get more serious with class curriculum in the fall, should your child attend our after school karate program, they will be ready and quick on their feet. 

Here is this week’s field trip lineup.

Monday, June 29, 2020—Stars and Strikes

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While us adults may have the Monday blues, our campers sure don’t! A day of fun in the arcade gets them excited! Plus, it helps improve speed along with hand-eye coordination. 

Tuesday, June 30,2020—Billy Beez

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Campers get to bounce around or slide down giant sides or play a game of basketball—whatever their little heart’s desire, Billy Beez can deliver. It’s a great play to teach our campers to stay agile and improve reaction time.

Wednesday, July 1, 2020—Water Slide Day

Send your campers to camp wearing their swimsuit. It’s water slide day! We have several giant inflatable water slides kids climb and slide down. It’s going to be hot and humid so a day of water fun is just what kids need!

Thursday, July 2, 2020—Skate Country

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We’re going to keep our tradition of going to Skate Country on Thursday since our campers love it so much. Remember that if your child is new to skating, the guide is an extra $5. Skate Country also has arcade games if you want to send extra cash. 

Friday, July 3, 2020—Park Day

This is extra fun for us and for our campers. It’s free play for the most part. Kids get to play on the playground or play ball (basketball, football, soccer). Sometimes we play games like Red Rover or kickball. Some campers play on their own with other friends. It’s really fun to watch those kids use their imagination. Others draw with chalk. It’s a day when they truly can be carefree as kids should be. 

We really only have one more month of summer left. Can you believe it? We’re going to do the best we can to ensure your children have an amazing summer, which means working with local vendors and venues for amazing field trips and activities.


Rhythm of #ItsALegacyMMASumme

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Rhythm of #ItsALegacyMMASummer

This week, we’re finding our rhythm to summer. With June out of the way, we’ve learned a few things. While it’s fun to be spontaneous and crazy wild sometimes, we’ve noticed that Legacy MMA summer campers really have a love of skating, arcade games, and going wild with free play. We don’t like letting our campers down, so this week’s field trip lineup is sure to please. We’re excited!

Monday, June 6, 2020 Stars and Strikes

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One thing we’ve noticed is that while our campers have made their circles of friends, Stars and Strikes is one place were the love a game brings new friends together. Campers are so focused on wanting to play a game, they are willing to leave the comfort of their friend and engage and play with new friends. Funny how arcade games bring kids together!

Tuesday, June 7, 2020 Surprise!

COVID19 strikes again! We’re working to plan something amazing for our campers. We’ll make our announcement before we start the day.  

Wednesday, June 8, 2020 Nitro Zone

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This is where our campers LOVE to go wild! We don’t mind one bit because it’s THE place they can. In order to jump and play, campers need to wear Nitro Zone socks. One little 7 year old told us that he likes wearing his Nitro Zone socks to camp so when he gets there, he can play right away. This kiddo doesn’t fool around. So pro-tip mom and dad, from one of our very active campers—send your kiddo to camp with those socks! Playtime is primetime! One more thing—parents, you have to fill out the waiver. You have to do it each time we visit.

Thursday, June 9, 2020 Skate Country

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We can’t say enough about Skate Country! It’s one of our most favorite places! Now if campers don’t like skating, they have other options. Some of our boys are quick to point out the arcade games.  You may want to send them extra money. There are also concessions our campers can treat themselves too.

Friday, June 10, 2020 Park Day

Today is a free play day. While campers can wear whatever they want, we still recommend closed-toe shoes and sneakers. Don’t be too upset if kids come home with a few grass stains.